Smart Captions

Self Service | $10/video hour (rounded up)


Smart Captions are CE21's artificial intelligence solution to provide affordable and quick ADA requirements and program enhancements with a couple clicks of the mouse.

Smart Captions are self-service. Please see the bottom of this page for instructions.


Smart Captions will currently work with the following formats:

Smart Captions will currently not work with the following formats:

  • 🚫 Live Webcasts (Live)

  • 🚫 Zoom Powered Webcasts (Live)

  • 🚫 Zoom, GoToWebinar (Live)


$10 per video hour (rounded up)


  • Duration of target video in Video Manager (CE21 Presenter): 01:54:34 | Final Cost: $20

  • Duration of target video in Video Manager (CE21 Presenter): 03:09:51 | Final Cost: $40

  • Duration of target video in Video Manager (CE21 Presenter): 05:31:06 | Final Cost: $60


How accurate are CE21 Smart Captions?

About 90%. Items that can negatively impact captioning accuracy are videos that contain:

  • Poor audio quality (low audio levels, noisy/buzz)

  • Crosstalk, such as multiple people talking simultaneously.

  • Speakers with poor annunciation, a thick accent or uses very uncommon words.


Where do CE21 Smart Captions Display?

  1. By accessing the CC icon at the bottom of the video player in the program viewer as launched on desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

  2. Additionally, provided the device has higher resolution that allows for sidebar tabs in the viewer (tablets, laptops, desktops e.g.), a Transcript tab appears where the user can search on caption text and skip around in the video by clicking on caption phrases.

  3. CE21 Mobile. With CE21 Mobile app version 1.19 and above, the mobile app supports multiple captions.

View this example, set the Captions to English and play around with Caption Settings

Visit the Transcript tab in the above example and click on a phrase to see how the video skips to that exact location.


What is the turnaround time for a CE21 Smart Captions job to complete?

This varies by program video due to a variety of factors but the most important determiner being the duration. The longer the video, the longer the processing. It is pretty fast though with the typical turnaround being 5 to 20 minutes from the point of submission.

You can be notified of when each CE21 Smart captioning job is complete by selecting “Email me upon closed captioning job completion” when submitting a job.


Can I download the CE21 Smart Captions or any caption files I upload at a later date?

If you use CE21 Smart Captions, we provide 3 files for you to download after the processing is complete.

  1. Plain Text (*.txt). This can be shared with a user with accessibility issues that may request a file to use with a screen reader. It’s not formatted for readability but it contains all of the closed captioning text.

  2. Subrip (*.srt). This file format can be placed in the same folder as an mp4 to play closed captions in a media player such as VLC Player. This also can be used in DVD authoring software to caption a DVD product.

  3. WebVTT (*.vtt). This is the AI generated closed caption file itself.

For *.vtt files you upload manually, you will be able to only download the *.vtt file itself.


  1. Launch the CE21 Presenter for the product that you wish to smart caption a video.

  2. Click on CC Manager button for the specific video you wish to closed caption

  3. Click on the black Caption button to kick off the process - never fear, you will receive information on how much the smart caption job will cost first before you can decide to push forwards or cancel.

  4. Choose if you'd like to receive an email when the captioning job is complete

  5. That's it!

When you check back later - you should see a CC icon in the lower right corner of the video icon at top right of that video in Manager.